Catalyst E-Blasts
January 2012 features Include:
- Spotlight on Pain Assessment in Long Term Care
Front Line Staff Experiences of Grief and Loss Working in Long Term Care Homes
Long Term Care Homes can Facilitate a "Good Death" for Residents and their Families
Personal Support Workers Facilitate Conference Workshop Developing PC in LTC: Life on the Frontline
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November 2011features include:
- Developing Palliative Care Competencies for Personal Support Workers: An Inclusive Grassroot Approach
- SSHRC Trainee Abby Wickson Griffith Speaks about her Expereince at the 11th Australian Palliative Care Conference
Spiritual Care Initiatives in Allendale & Creek Way Village
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September 2011features include:
- Innovation Education offered to Frontline Staff - High Fidelity Simulation
- Alliance Makes Presentation using OTN
- Dr. Mary Lou Kelley Recieves Award from CHPCA!
- CERAH and St. Joesph's Care Group Featured in Short Film Presented at the Alzheimer's Disease International
To view the newsletter please click HERE
October 2010 features include:
- QPC-LTC Website Launch
- Alliance Members Visit Hamilton
- Upcoming Dissemination Events
To view the newsletter please click HERE